Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blog Template

My template depicts a road trip through a blurry window. I chose this template because I thought it was somewhat interesting and it reminded me of the quotes, "Life is a journey" and "The journey is the destination." Sometimes when we get so caught up in working so hard to get to our destinations, we miss out on the beautiful scenery along the journey, which can be a bummer, to say the least.

So, enjoy the journey and live mindfully. 

Be present. 

Be here now...

...because the present moment is all we'll ever have.


  1. Short and sweet! Love your quote. It is a sentiment I try to keep in mind as I travel through life. Yet sometimes I forget.
    Thanks for reminding me!

  2. Life is a journey!

    "What you seek, is seeking you". – Rumi

    Are you a fellow meditator?

    Mella ;-D

  3. I so agree. Life happens while you are planning it! I try to be mindful and present but sometimes still get caught up on life's freeway! Love the attached photos!

  4. "Because the present moment is all we'll ever have.." - wow that's pretty profound - And so true! I don't practice that philosophy very well and I need to start to try too more often. We get caught up in the process of getting somewhere - like finishing school to get a better job etc. So we don't stop and enjoy life's precious moments to the fullest nearly enough.
